We create marketplace for social impact. ITs not just a marketplace platform, but a S.A.L.T (Social Accountability and Leadership for Tomorrow) movement. Be part of the movement with your creativity. Showcase your creativity directly to your fans through Kbean® secured by MicroNFT®.WELCOME TO Kbean®, HOME OF MicroNFT® STREAMING. We are a marketplace platform for all creative contents for social impact. Film, arts, music video and many more. It is an open yet close-knit social network dedicated to bringing the diverse creative communities and supporters together while driving positive social impact. DO YOU LOVE CREATIVE WORK?Browse and preview films and arts in digital editions secured by Kbean®. Get exclusive access to limited editions and interaction with the creators and producers. Share your social impact message to your friends. Your marketplace and personal gallery for all creative digital media minted with MicroNFT®. Follow and interact with film creators, producers and artists directly and check out their catalogue. Save your favorite creative contents in your wish list and share them with your friends. Purchase them via In-App and enjoy your own private collection through Apple TV. It will transform your space or anywhere you go to a private gallery hall, theater or performance stage.DO YOU HAVE CREATIVE MEDIA?Upload your creative work to Kbean to securely register it. Set your price and number of digital editions available, and mint your very own MicroNFT® to protect your royalty. We will create a virtual catalogue and a basket of your MicroNFT® representing the digital editions of the creative work for you. Earn without worrying about your digital rights. Kbean will do the rest. COLLECT REWARDS. Enjoyed your collections enough or cannot enjoy the scheduled virtual events? Trade your MicroNFT® back to the Kbean® community and collect reward points.